Ultimate Guide: How to Create an Offer in the Fishbowl GRM

August 19, 2024
Read Time: Example Minutes

Creating offers in the Fishbowl Guest Relationship Management (GRM) system is an essential part of running a successful restaurant marketing campaign. Offers can drive customer engagement, boost sales, and promote specific menu items. This guide will walk you through each step of creating an offer in the Fishbowl GRM, ensuring you maximize the potential of your restaurant's promotions.

Step 1: Access the Rewards Tab

  • Navigate to the Rewards Tab: Start by logging into your Fishbowl GRM account. Once logged in, click on the "Rewards" tab from the main menu.
  • View Past Rewards: Here, you'll see a list of all your past rewards, allowing you to keep track of what you've offered before.

Step 2: Create a New Reward

  • Click on 'Create Offer': To create a new offer, click on the "Create Offer" button at the top of the page.
  • Name Your Offer: Enter a name for your offer. This will serve as the internal name, and you can use the same name as the public-facing offer name.

Step 3: Choose the Offer Type

  • Select Offer Type: Choose from several types of offers, including:
    • Dollar Off Check
    • Percentage Off Check
    • Percentage Off Items
    • Free Item
    • Fixed Price
    • BOGO (Buy One, Get One)
    • Price Modifier
    • Non-discount
  • In this guide, we'll focus on the 'Dollar Off Check' offer.

Step 4: Set the Offer Details

  • Specify Discount Amount: Enter the dollar amount you want to offer as a discount. For example, you might offer "$5 off".
  • Set Minimum Purchase Amount: Define the minimum purchase amount required to apply the discount. You can manually enter any amount, like "$5 off $50".

Step 5: Add Item-Specific Conditions

  • Select Items for the Offer: If you want the offer to apply only to certain items (e.g., specific burgers), navigate through your menu and select those items.
  • Save Your Selection: Once you've chosen the items, save your selection.

Step 6: Limit Redemptions and Set Offer Type

  • Redemption Limits: You can limit redemptions by member or by coupon. For example, choose "Limited by Member" or "Limited by Coupon."
  • Choose Offer Type: Decide if the offer applies to specific service types like "dine-in," "takeout," or "delivery." You can also toggle options like combining with other offers or requiring manager authorization.

Step 7: Exclude Items from the Offer

  • Exclude Menu Items: If needed, exclude certain items from the offer, such as alcohol, which might be restricted by state laws. Simply select the items to exclude and save your changes.

Step 8: Choose Valid Locations

  • Select Locations: If you have multiple locations, choose which locations this offer will be valid in. You can select individual locations or all of them.

Step 9: Set Offer Timing

  • Set Start and End Dates: Choose when the offer will start (e.g., "when published") and whether it has an end date. You can also set the offer to expire a certain number of days after it starts.
  • Select Days of the Week: Specify which days the offer is valid. For example, to boost traffic on slower days, you might limit the offer to Mondays and Tuesdays.
  • Restrict Hours and Dates: You can also restrict the offer to certain hours (e.g., "happy hour") or block out specific dates like holidays.

Step 10: Finalize the Offer

  • Receipt Text and Vanity Codes: Enter the text that will appear on receipts, such as "Welcome Offer." You can also set a vanity code for online checkout or specify a POS discount ID.
  • Review and Publish: Review all the details of your offer. If everything looks good, click "Publish" to make your offer live.

Step 11: Download and Test Offer Codes

  • Download QR or Barcodes: After publishing, you can download the offer codes, which can be QR codes or barcodes.
  • Test the Offer: Test the codes to see how they will appear in emails or on receipts. This step ensures everything works as expected before the offer is used by customers.


By following these steps, you'll be able to create and manage offers in Fishbowl GRM with ease. Regularly updating and testing your offers can help you refine your marketing strategies and keep your customers engaged. Remember to monitor the performance of your offers and adjust them as needed to maximize their effectiveness.

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